Recently, there’s been a new uproar over Amazon authors who run BookBub promotions having their sales ranks stripped in response, sometimes within minutes. I’ve heard other reports that this happens with a lot of other legitimate promotions in addition to BookBub. Unlike many authors who’ve been (understandably) railing against the personal harm this has inflicted […]
Krista D Ball and The Strong Female Character Trope
My wife showed me a wonderful, though long, post by Krista D Ball about the trope of the Strong Female Character, how it goes wrong, and how that’s not necessarily what we need anymore. I agree with pretty much everything she wrote. I’ve never fully understood the obsession with making every single female character “strong”, […]
SagCom Portal Ships
I stumbled upon Anthony Howe’s work some time ago. It’s amazing and mesmerizing in so many ways. When I started thinking about the design of a ship that could punch a hole into another universe and then widen it enough to pass through, his work came to mind. This is the inspiration behind the final […]